news from the RMCA forums $phpbb_root_path is wrong and does not point to your forum.'); } // // phpBB related files // include_once ($phpbb_root_path . ''); include_once ($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx); include_once ($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/bbcode.' . $phpEx); // // Fetch All related files - we do need all these because the portal is a // huge example // include_once ($phpbb_root_path . 'mods/phpbb_fetch_all/common.' . $phpEx); include_once ($phpbb_root_path . 'mods/phpbb_fetch_all/stats.' . $phpEx); include_once ($phpbb_root_path . 'mods/phpbb_fetch_all/posts.' . $phpEx); // // start session management // $userdata = session_pagestart($user_ip, PAGE_INDEX, $session_length); init_userprefs($userdata); // // since we are demonstrating span pages we need to set the page offset // if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['start']) or isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['start'])) { $CFG['posts_span_pages_offset'] = isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['start']) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS['start'] : $HTTP_POST_VARS['start']; } // fetch user online, total posts, etc $stats = phpbb_fetch_stats(); // fetch latest postings $CFG['posts_trim_topic_number'] = 15; $recent = phpbb_fetch_posts(null, POSTS_FETCH_LAST); // fetch postings $CFG['posts_trim_topic_number'] = 0; $CFG['posts_span_pages'] = true; $news = phpbb_fetch_posts(); // // disconnect from the database // phpbb_disconnect(); ?> Rat & Mouse Club of America
Rat & Mouse Club of America

Welcome to the RMCA's home on the web; we hope you enjoy your visit!

If you are a repeat visitor, the following new items may be of interest:

Hurricane Katrina
Millions of domestic and wild animals have been harmed by Hurricane Katrina, but the good news is that several animal welfare and rescue organizations are already on the ground saving lives. The organizations listed below are professionals with extensive experience in disaster areas (and they always need donations!).

In addition, if you live in Texas and have spare room for stranded domestic rats or mice, please contact Eadie's House immediately. Keep in mind proper quarantine procedures, and please remember these animals may not be in the best of health after their ordeal.

"); print (""); ?>
RescueRat and Mouse Orphans

"); print $row["title"]; print " in "; print $row["col_1"]; print (" "); print $row["col_0"]; print (""); } while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)); } else {print "We're all adopted!";} print ("

"); print ("We have "); print (""); $sql = 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM adoptions_listing WHERE keepPrivate = 0 AND NOT ( firstCid = 3 )'; $mycount=mysql_query($sql); print mysql_result($mycount,0); print (" foster homes, shelters and emergency rehoming situations that also need help!

Posted on at by

Pet Owner's Creed
by Craig Schumacher
We love our small friends--we value their lives.

We will not knowingly sell, or allow them to be used as food for other animals.

We understand their value goes far beyond the dollar.

We will meet all of their needs.

We will breed with care, being responsible to limit their numbers, spending the time required to achieve the best pets possible.

We realize that some "Show Quality" animals will result. This is a by-product rather than a goal. In this way the rats don't pay with their lives for our ribbons.


Helping animal victims of Hurricane Katrina

Rat Medical Cheat Sheet
Rat Behavior Cheat Sheet
Rat Gender Cheat Sheat

RMCA is a club for domestic rat and mouse lovers. Although we love wild rodents, we have very little knowledge of them. If you have found a litter of wild rats or mice and wish to care for them until they can be released back into the wild, please read the article "Caring for Orphaned Baby Rats and Mice." Wild Rodents!

Wild Rodents!

Stu! recommendsStu! Recommends:

Sadie's StoryYour pets need a home, too. Don’t abandon them when you leave yours.

Please read, print and distribute Jane Sorensen's PDF poster: Sadie's Story

Be sure to visit the Rat Guide, A Layman's Guide to Health, Medication Use, and Responsible Care of Pet Rats.   This site was created in association with the RMCA and our Florida chapter.  

RMCA Forums Statistics

Our users have posted a total of articles.
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In total there online.

"Rat Chew" courtesy of Nadine Walton